Markham Irrigation
The city of Markham was the location of The Sprinkler Company’s first irrigation installation in 2008. Since this day, our company has installed and serviced numerous automatic sprinkler systems in this area. In the years of 2018 and 2019, the number of Markham sprinkler system installations exceeded 200 properties. The city of Markham currently contains over 600 irrigation clients and remains one of the busiest irrigation regions for The Sprinkler Company.
Markham Sprinkler System Installations
New installations occur frequently in Markham. In this area, property size usually requires a 6-8 zone sprinkler system installation. This is considered a medium-sized irrigation system. These types of installations are performed in a single day with no damages or mess made to the property. The Sprinkler Company has collected a highly skilled and diligent team of technicians and employees who work efficiently and carefully. Once an installation is complete, a Sprinkler Company staff member will walk over the entire system with the client to demonstrate where the heads are and how it operates. He will also explain how to turn the system on/off and set the timer for optimal watering conditions.
Markham Irrigation Service and Repair
The region of Markham accounts for approximately 25% of The Sprinkler Company’s annual irrigation service and repair work. Due to the high demand for irrigation services, our company has 2 technicians on call daily in the Markham area. This allows The Sprinkler Company to provide prompt quality irrigation service. Once The Sprinkler Company office receives a request for an irrigation service, an appointment with the technician will be guaranteed within 2 days. This policy ensures that repairs are completed quickly without damage to the greenery; a crucial factor during the intense summer heat. Clients can be confident that The Sprinkle Company will provide them with reliable support.
Irrigation Maintenance
Irrigation maintenance procedures in Markham generally occur semi-annually in the spring and late autumn. Every April to June, The Sprinkler Company irrigation team sets out in the company trucks to perform sprinkler system openings. Our sprinkler technicians visit every property to open and adjust the systems for the watering season ahead. In mid-October and November, The Sprinkler Company team once again visits all the properties to carefully winterize and close the systems for the winter months. This is a very important maintenance procedure that preserves the system from cracking during the freezing temperatures.
If you require any type of irrigation service, do not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to provide you with a free quote and consultation.
The Sprinkler Company Inc